Learn English - TO & FOR


Hello there everyone. My name is Ronnie and today i'm going to teach you something you something that is a little bit confusing for me.

I actually had to research this a bit.

One of my Brazilian students asked me this question: Teacher, what different "to" and "for" in English sentence?

Uhh, I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. So, it's tomorrow. The difference is kind of difficult to explain, but I'll try my best, for you.

Oh, it's for you. So this is how this works.

You can think of it in this way: "to" we're always going to use as a transfer or exchange or change of something, okay?

"For" we're always going to use as something beneficial or good for the person.

If you guys understand the word benefit or if you don't understand the word benefit, it means a good thing.

So, if you want to transfer or exchange something you're gonna do it "to", if you want to do something for someone in a good way it's gonna be "for".

So, let's check this out with examples.

the first two

these words, these sentences are actually in the past tense

it does not matter if you are using past, present, or future

or any kind of grammar, in the tenses

what matters is what is happening in the sentence

so let's try this

I made this lesson

you can either use "to" or "for"

so what do you think?

I made this lesson

is this lesson good for you?

yes yes yes it is

so, because this is a good thing that's happening

and I'm giving it to you

I'm going to benefit you, it's gonna be good

and you're going to use

for you, okay

I gave the beer

for her or to her?

I'm actually holding a beer

Magical mystery beer; invisible beer, and I'm going to give it to someone.

So I'm actually transferring something.

So because it's a transfer and exchange,

I'm going to use "to".

Okay? Let's try another one

These sentences,

I've used the future tense, these sentences I've used the past.

I'm going to talk,

"for" her or "to" her?

When we talk, what do we do?

We, exchange or we transfer information.

So, I'm going to talk "to" you.

Next one.

I will do that, or I will do something, "to" you- uh oh, "for" you- hmm.

So if I do something for you I'm going to help you; maybe I will wash the dishes, or I will give you a ride to class.

Okay? So I would say, I will do something or do that, "for" you.

See if you can do this one by yourself.

I sing,



I go,



What do you think?

This grammar is in, the simple present tense,

so we have past, future, and present tense.


when someone sings, do they do it to exchange something?

Or do they do it because it's pleasureful, or beneficial , or good?

Oh pick that one! Okay, yes,

I will sing,

for you.

No- uh I'm not going to sing sorry.

Lano- not going to happen.


I go "for" school? No, I go "to" school.

So, let's just check out what we're actually transferring and exchanging in these sentences.

If you say "I go to school." you're transferring your body.

So you're going from one place to another place. Going back woo-hoo!

So in this one to make it kind of...

Strange, but easier,

you're transferring, your body.

"I sing for you." Is a benefit.

"I will do that for you." I'm going to do something to help you.

"I'm going to talk to you." When we talk like I said we transfer information.

So, or you can use exchange.


info. Info is a short form of information, just so you know.

"I gave the beer to her." I'm actually, physically giving her beer, I'm transferring beer from my hand, to her hand.