English Lesson - Beginners - 5 of 7


Let's look at some useful phrases and asking for help, language help.

If you don't understand a word or phrase, ask your family for help.

There are four ways to ask.

If there is a word you don't understand, for example this word "HORRIBLE", and you feel don't understand it. You can ask your family "What does 'horrible' mean?"

Your family will explain, horrible, you eat something and the food is horrible, I don't like it.

If you have a word in your language, Spanish word, Italian word, French word or German word and you want to find out this word in English, you can say "How do you say _____ ?", your family might translate the word into your language.

If you read a word and you can't pronounce the word, you can say 'how do you say' and the person will say this word for you.

What if there is a sentence, you're speaking with your family, and there's sentence or you hear something that you don't understand.

We can say 'I don't understand' and your family will explain again.

If your family talk very fast, you can say 'speak slower please' or 'can you speak slowly please'.

Can you speak slowly please?

If they say something and you don't hear it, we have a question we can say 'can you say that again?'

We can say 'can you say that again please' and your family will repeat that word.

I'll put some questions on the page and I want you to repeat the question.

How do you say horrible?

What does horrible mean?

Can you speak slowly please?

Can you say that again please?

If you have a problem with the language you don't understand.

Use these phrases, don't be scared or shy with your family.

Practice, use these phrases to help you.

Let's look at some others useful phrases that we can use every day, short phrases.

We have seven phrases that we can use.

Let's look at the first phrase.

If someone gives something to you, you can say 'Thank you'.

If you want to ask for, you can say 'please'.

If you are ok, and someone asks you a question, you can say, 'that's ok'.

We can also say, excuse me, before we want to ask a question.

When you are walking and someone hits you, you can say 'excuse me'.

If you want to ask a question, 'excuse me' to say sorry or to ask a question.

We also have sorry, we can use sorry to say 'oh sorry'.

So we have 3 ways to say sorry: sorry to ask for information, or sorry when you don't hear someone.

We also can say 'see you later' or just 'bye' that can help you everyday when you're working or on the street.