English Phrasal Verbs for LOVE, SEX, and DATING!



My name is Emma and in today's video we are talking about love and dating.

I'm going to teach you some very good vocabulary you can use when you're talking

about boyfriends, girlfriends, people you like.

You will see these words maybe on TV, in movies, especially if you like romantic comedies,

these words come out...

Up a lot.

So, specifically, what I am going to teach you is phrasal verbs that have to do with

love, as well as dating.


So you might be wondering: "What is a phrasal verb?"

Good question.

So, if you know what a verb is, a verb is an action.


So some examples of verbs are: "play", "listen", "look", "eat".

These are all different verbs.

A phrasal verb is a little bit different.

The reason a phrasal verb is different is because you have the verb and a preposition.


So what's a preposition?

A preposition is a word like: "on", "off", "over", "under", "above", "below", "at", "in".

These are all prepositions.


So, the thing about a phrasal verb is when you have a verb...

Imagine the verb "get", if we add a preposition to it, it changes the meaning of the verb.

So, for example, we have: "get on", "get off", "get over", "get under".


"Get above".

We have all these different phrasal verbs with "get" and each one has different meanings,

and the meaning is really in the preposition.


So, we have tons of these in English and we use them a lot in conversation.

So today we're going to look at some ones that have to do with dating.

So, let's give some examples.


I have here: "hit on".

"Hit on" is a phrasal verb.

We have "hit", which is the verb, and "on" which is the proposition.


So before we continue I just wanted to point out one thing.

There are different types of phrasal verbs.

So we have phrasal verbs where the verb and the preposition are together, there's nothing

in between them.

So: "hit on" is an example of this.

You see "hit" and "on", they're together.

There's nothing in here.

There's no person, there's no object.

"Hit" and "on", the preposition and the verb are together.

Now, there is also a different type of phrasal verb where you have the verb, and then there's

something in between the verb, and then there's the preposition.

So, for example, another phrasal verb we will look at today: "check out".

You have: "Check her out."

So you actually have the verb, the preposition, but there is something in between the verb

and the preposition.

In this case we have a person.

In other cases it might be an object.


There's also a third type of phrasal verb where pretty much with the third type you

have a choice.

You can either put the phrasal verb together or it can be separate.

Today, we're mainly, though, looking at either ones that are together like "hit on", or ones

that are separated by a person or a thing, such as: "Check her out."

If you're a little bit confused, don't worry because we will be looking at so many examples

of what I'm talking about today so you will really understand this concept.

Okay, so let's look at "hit on" and the meaning of "hit on".

So I have here the sentence: "Dave hit on me."


So we have "hit", which is the verb, "on", which is the preposition.

They're always together.

And what this means is it means Dave said something to me, he told me that I was maybe

beautiful or pretty, and maybe he asked me for my phone number.

When you hit on somebody, it means that you're showing somebody that you're interested in them.


So if you ever have seen any movies where you have people in bars or at clubs, you...

And this can also be for real life, too, you might have a man go up to a woman and hit

on her, meaning he says to the woman: "Can I buy you a drink?"

Or, you know: "Can I talk to you? I think you're very beautiful."

So this is "hit on".

It means you're telling somebody or you're showing somebody that you are interested in them.


Okay, the next one I wanted to look at, the next phrasal verb is: "check out".

So: "The man checked her out."

What does this mean?

When somebody checks you out, it means they're looking at you in a certain way.

"Check out", when we're talking about dating, really has to do with the eyes.


So when you check someone out it means you use your eyes to look at them up and down.

And while you're looking at them, you're thinking: "Wow, this person's very handsome."

Or: "Wow, this person's very beautiful. This girl is so sexy."


So you're really, really thinking about how attractive they are.

So you're not talking, you're just looking at somebody and thinking about how attractive

they are.

So, when someone looks at a person showing interest.

So I have here a picture of this.

I have a woman here and a man here.

And this woman with her eyes, she's looking at the guy and she's thinking:

"Wow, he's cute."

So she's checking him out.

Sometimes you have friends, maybe there's a group of women who are looking at a guy,

and they're looking him up and down, and they're thinking: "Wow, what a handsome guy."

They're checking that man out.

Or the same can be the opposite.

Maybe there's a bunch of guys.

Maybe construction workers, that's a common stereotype, and a girl's walking by in a nice,

pretty dress.

And all the guys are looking at her.

Those guys are checking her out.


So these are two common phrasal verbs we use with dating.

Now let's look at some more.

Okay, so the next phrasal verb we're going to look at is probably the most important

on this list, and the reason it's so important is because we use it all the time.

Okay? So this is...

You will definitely hear this one a lot.

So let's look at it.

This is: "go out with somebody".

Okay? So, for example: "Calvin goes out with Amy."

Or: "They are going out."

So what does "go out" mean?

Well, it's another way to say to date or to be a couple.

Okay? So, for example, we have here Calvin and we have here Amy.

And every Friday night maybe they like to go to the movies together, and they go to

a restaurant together, and they really like each other, that's why I drew the hearts.

So they are going out.

It means they are going on a date, maybe they're boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe not.

Maybe Calvin has five girlfriends, and he's going out with five women at the same time.

You know, it's...

In different cultures you get different things happening with dating, but going out means

you're pretty much with somebody and you really like them.


So Calvin is going out with Amy.

They're a couple.

They're together.


So, I want you to pay attention to this: "go out" is also together.

They're one of those phrasal verbs where "go" and "out" are together, there's nothing between them.

We don't need the "with".

We can actually end just with: "They're going out."

So if you're talking about two names: "Kim goes out with Kanye", for example, in that

case you'd use the "with", but if you're just talking about two people and, you know, like

they're at the beginning of the sentence, you can also say: "Kim and Kanye are going out."


So very, very important.

It comes up a lot in English culture.

If you're ever interested, maybe you meet two people and you want to know if they're

boyfriend and girlfriend, you can say:

"Hey. Are those two people going out?"


So that's how we can use it.

Let's look at another example.

"Stand" or "stood me up".

So, "stand" is the present tense of "stood"; "stood" is the past tense.

They have the same meaning.

In this example I'm using the past tense.

So my example is: "My date", so the person I'm going out with, "My date stood me up."

What does this mean?

Well, it means when you have plans to meet somebody, imagine I'm supposed to go to the

movies and I'm supposed to go with my boyfriend.

And imagine if at the very last minute he doesn't come.

So I'm waiting there, I'm looking at my watch:

"Hmm, where's my boyfriend? Why hasn't he come yet?"

And he doesn't call, he doesn't tell me where he is so I wait, and wait, and wait, and he

never comes.

That's a very sad story.

Luckily that's never happened, but it means to stand someone up.


So, any time you see somebody waiting and waiting, and their date doesn't come

- they were stood up.

Okay, so one thing to notice with the grammar of this: "stood" and "up", is there something

between "stood" and "up"?

You'll notice in this case the word "me", but it's a person.

So you can stand a person up.

So, Cindy stood John up.


So a lot of the times we have a person here.

Could we do it without?

"My date stood up"?

No, this has a different meaning.

In this case, without a person here it means you stand up.

So, that's why the placement of these things are so important.

All right, let's look at two more examples.

We have: "turn on" and "turn off".

Two more very good examples of dating vocabulary.

So, what are these examples?

"Tattoos turn me on."

This means tattoos, in my opinion, are attractive.

I like tattoos on a man.

When I see tattoos...

No, no. Can you see?


I feel my heart flutter.

I like tattoos.

Okay? Now, what's the opposite?

Big muscles, so big muscles turn me off.

This means in my opinion I don't think they're attractive.

It means I don't like big muscles.


For some people you could say intelligence, people who are smart turn me on.

People who like to read turn me on.

People with mustaches turn me on.

This means I find them attractive.

And then the opposite maybe you could say somebody who smells turns me off.

Maybe somebody who is rude, somebody who is not polite

- that's a turn off, that turns me off.

So, it means I don't like that in a person I'm dating.

So, "turn on" is attractive, "turn off" means it's something unattractive.

Now, notice the placement for these phrasal verbs.


"Tattoos turn me on."

Is there something...?

Is something in between "turn" and "on"?

Yeah, we have the person here.

You know, Hollywood actors turn me on.

Okay? It means I find them attractive.

You could also put somebody else's name here, for example.

I know with my sister, British guys, she loves British accents

- British accents turn my sister on.


Maybe beards, long beards turn my sister off.

So you can put a person between "turn" and "on" or "turn" and "off".

We also have the noun form of this.

We can say: "Wow. Beards are a turn on."

In this case it's a noun.

Or we can say: "Long hair on a man is a turn on."

We can say: "Smelly..."

You know: "People who smell are a turn off."


So we have it in the noun form.

Okay, and this is actually quite common, too.

So now let's look at some other phrasal verbs we can use.

Okay, so our next phrasal verb is also very common, and that is "to make out with somebody".

In this case I have it in the past tense, but we can also say:

"They make out" or "They will make out".

In this case I wrote: "They made out."

So "made" is the verb and "out" is the preposition.

So, what does this mean?

It means to kiss very passionately.

So, you know, sometimes you might see people...

Usually not in public, but every once in a while you might see somebody making out with

somebody else on a park bench, for example.

So this is making out.

It means to kiss very passionately.

Our next sentence is: "hook up".


"Hook up"...

"Hook" in this case is the verb and "up" is the preposition.

When you say "hook up" it usually means sex, they had sex.

They hooked up.

So this is a very important one to know in case you accidentally make some kind of mistake.

You know, you can say:

"Did you hear about, you know, John and Karen? They hooked up."


Meaning they had sex.

Okay, the next one is: "cheat on".

"He cheats on his girlfriend.", "She cheats on her boyfriend."

Now, this one is a really sad one.

When you cheat on somebody it means you lie to them and you go to somebody else.

Maybe you go to them sexually or maybe emotionally, but it's where...

You know, imagine this is the husband, this is the wife, the wife now is with this guy

and he's...

She's lying to her husband.

So let's look at an example.

Okay, yeah, so lie...

You lie to somebody and you go out with someone who is not your boyfriend or girlfriend,

or husband or wife.

So if you ever look at celebrity gossip, there's always stories of people cheating on each other.

Bill cheated on Hillary, for example.

You know, there's tons of examples you can find of people cheating on other people.

Okay, and finally: "break up".


So oftentimes if somebody cheats on somebody, there is going to be a break up.

So when you break up with somebody it means you end the relationship.

So if you have, you know, John and Karen together, now they break up.

They're not together anymore.


So if we look at the grammar of this, we can say: "We broke up."


This is in the past tense.

"We break up" is in the present tense.

"We will break up" is in the future tense.

So in this case "broke" is the verb, "up" is the preposition.

If I wanted to talk about who broke up with whom, we could do that, too.

"John broke up with Karen."

Or we could say: "Karen broke up with John."

But you'll notice that "break" and "up" are together in terms of the words.

There's nothing between them.

Okay, so I hope you've enjoyed this video.

We have covered a lot.

We've covered grammar in terms of phrasal verbs and we have also covered a lot of really

good dating vocabulary that's very popular and very common.

So I want to thank you for watching, and I

would also like to invite you to subscribe to my channel.

There, you can actually find a lot of other resources

on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, IELTS, all sorts of different things.

You might also like my vocabulary lesson on how to talk about guys you like

and how to talk about girls you like.

So that's something to check out if you want to learn more about talking about dating.

I also want to invite you to come check out our website at www.engvid.com.

There, you can actually do quizzes and you can practice everything you learned today

by taking my quiz.

Until next time, thanks for watching and take care.