Creativity is no longer a word reserved for musicians or artists.
It's something you can find in anyone.
It's the ability or urge to make something of value.
Making something new. Something different.
Something that makes you think. Something that makes you smile.
It's making something beautiful.
It's telling YOUR story. Expressing yourself.
It's creating something other people can use.
is realizing that there isn't always a right or a wrong way of doing things.
There's no always a correct answer, only the answers that we create.
(?) for creativity is that it comes from inspiration.
Inspiration found in the world we live in.
And in the people we live with.
Take risks. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Because it's only from the mistakes that we learn.
(?) the mistakes that the really interesting things happen.
We may not always create or invent, but we always learn when we try.