Be Remembered - Motivational Video


See the thing about life,

we gonna die, right?

Eventually we gonna die,

but our legacy live on.

The impact,

can be non-perishable, forever.

But it's gotta be built right

and we got to take advantage of the time we have right now.

What are you waiting for?!

You got one life to live.

Today begins, tomorrow continues and never end...

until you reach your goal, across the finish line.

With your hand,

hold victorious.

You go after things.

You try,

even if you failed you get back up,

and you continue to try and failed, continue to try and failed.

Failure is part of recipe for success.

It's a losers, that failed once and quit.

Every winner has done with failure.

The loser and the winner, both have failed...

it is just a winner gets back and does it again.

Make your dreams a reality, rep by rep.

Stop running from the potential what you can be, guys.

It's inside of you, it's always been there.

You must believe yourself enough.

To be the person now,

of what other remember you later.

If you guys mentally believe you can do it,

your body will find a way to physically make it happen.

We put the work in now,

so we never wonder 'what if'.

Not run by the clock,

but our desire where will gonna go tomorrow.

It's not for everybody

and might not be for you...

but you are still watching so maybe it's for you.

Here we go!

There is no excuse, not be the hardest person working in the room.

...schoolwork, the gym, your career, your relationship.

Your name is attached to it.

It's got to mean more than anything.

Believe in yourself.

Be the one of a hundred has a belief.

Instead just fucking judge and talk of intents.

You only live once.

But if you work it right,

once is enough my friends.