15 Ways to Search Google 96% of People Don’t Know About


Fifteen ways to search google that 96% of people don't know about

Google search is not only a powerful search tool

But also the best friend for millions of people it is always there for you

except for those times when you have no internet connection. That's scary!

It can help you with anything it will find the lyrics to that song you heard on the radio

But only got you meet forever rain share the recipe for the most delicious pie and recommend the best restaurant around

Students can't go without it, and it is the key source of information for most adults, too

But more often than not we have to sit through a vast body of knowledge to get the information we need and this can take

hours rather than minutes

Here's a list of the most effective methods and tricks for searching Google to help you find the information

You're looking for in just a couple of clicks if you can't imagine your life without Google give this video a thumbs up

Watch this video till the end to see a cool bonus. We have for you

15 either this or that

Sometimes we're not sure that we've correctly remembered the information or the name we need to start our search

But this doesn't have to be a problem simply put in a couple of potential

Variations of what you're looking for and separate them by typing the vertical bar symbol instead of this symbol

You can also use or then it's easy enough to choose the result that makes the most sense

Imagine this your friend mentioned

She wants to get the same haircut as Jennifer something was in Aniston or Lawrence

Google will show you both of them at once so you can guess by

Description your friend gave you which is the Jennifer's it was how else can this trick be helpful imagine you are deciding

Which smartphone to buy make Google find and describe both options at once just type in buy cheap Android or iPhone?

Number 14 searching using synonyms

Our language is rich in synonyms

Sometimes this can be very convenient when doing research online if you need to find websites on a given subject

Rather than those that include a specific phrase add the tilde symbol to your search for example if you search for the term

Healthy tilde food

You'll get results about the principles of healthy eating

Cooking recipes as well as healthy dining options see

Different people have different ways of describing things if you make Google search using synonyms

You won't have to type in your search query many times before you get to the point more answers means more options at once

Number thirteen

searching within websites

Sometimes you read an interesting article on a website and find yourself subsequently wanting to share it with your friends

Or simply reread it the easiest way to find the desired piece of information again is to search within the website

To do this type the address of the site then a keyword or entire phrase from the article

And it should come up immediately our website for example is a great source of information on basically anything

So why not use it try typing in brightside dot me something make that something a salad

And it will show you the best salad recipes. We've shared

Number twelve the power of the asterisk

When your cunning memory decides not to let us remember that one keyword phrase or number we need to find what we're looking for

You can turn to the powerful asterisk symbol

Just use it in the place of the word or phrase you can't remember and you should be able to find the results you're looking

For for example you want to see that science fiction thriller that has too many numbers in its name

You got the 11 point 22, but forgot the 63 if you replace it with an asterisk Google will find the whole thing for you

Number 11 when lots of words are missing

If it's the lengthier half of the phrase you can't remember rather than a single keyword

Try writing out the first and last words and putting a round plus the approximate number of missing words between them

Imagine you want to play it cool

And show your knowledge of poetry everyone loves poetry right or at least pretends to anyway you might not remember the author's name

But you do remember he wrote something beautiful about him wandering

Or was it as a cloud try typing in I wandered around

Or cloud Google will win this guessing game, and show you the whole poem by William woods word

Number 10 using a number range

Sometimes we urgently need to get the list of events that occurred during a certain period of time

To do so you can add a time frame to your search query with the help of three dots between the dates for example

If we want to find out about scientific discoveries during the 20th century we can write scientific discoveries

1900 dot dot 2000 yes

It is easy like that it also works with other numbers

you can try finding products within a certain price range for example for that try googling, GoPro Hero 5

$100 dot dot dot 300 in that case don't forget to include an indicator of what you measure the amount

Number nine searching for a title or URL

to help find the keywords and name of an article type in

title colon before the search term without any spaces between them to find the words from a URL use in

URL : it is important that you make no spaces between words and punctuation

Number 8 finding similar websites

If you found something you really like online and want to find similar websites type in related colon

And then the address of the site again without a space between them for example

If you thought Nike website has a lot of cool stuff to offer, but you want to see more options

You can ask Google to find them for you it will easily find related websites

Number 7 pull phrases

Framing the search term within quotation marks is the simplest and most

Effective way to find something specific and in the exact order you type in it for example if you type in the words

I'm picking up Good Vibrations

Without quotation marks the search engine will show the results where those words appear in any order on a website

Not in the specific order in which you type them however if you type

I'm picking up good vibrations


quotation marks

you'll get only those results where these words appear only in the order you type them in this is a great way to find the

Lyrics to a song when you only know one line from it

We all just need to find song lyrics from time to time don't wait click the like button if you use Google for that

Number six unimportant search works

to remove

Unimportant search words from your query simply write a minus symbol before each one for example if you want to find a site about interesting

Books, but you aren't looking to buy them you can write the following

interesting books minus five

Number five searching images using images

Imagine you were browsing the internet and suddenly saw the picture of the most

Beautiful coat ever or maybe your friend posted from some incredibly fancy cafe

But has not added a location market wants to keep it secret

Google can solve both mysteries for you

All you have to do is save the picture hit the camera button on Google Images attach the picture or paste its URL

Google will then find similar images on the web

Number for the finding words and learning where they come from

Any language including English is constantly developing so new words appear and old words become history

Google will help you to find them all easily if you type in

Define and a colon with no space before the word it will give you the word definition

So you will know what the word means without having to go through?

Hundreds of search results before you find out or guess this trick also works with slang words and acronyms

Another linguistic tool you can try is typing in

Etymology colon period this way you will find out where the word comes from try both of these tools with the word mortgage

comma for example

Number three finding a specific file

Sometimes you know exactly what you need and in what shape you wanted

Maybe you have already seen a great PDF or PowerPoint online, and now you need it again

Or you just want to look at all the options

Google will help you find the right file if you want to find a colorful PDF on cat breeds for example type in

Cat breeds file type : PDF you will get access to thousands of PDFs on the topic in no time

Number two using Google as a spell checker

This trick might seem basic, but it is still very useful

You know how Google politely offers you the correct way to spell words when you make a mistake by accident

You can make the best use of its natural spelling talent

If you are not sure how to write this or that word try typing it in search queries Google will help you out

Use the word in a word combination for a better result

number one tracking your packages

You already know you can use Google to look for all types and kinds of files

And turns out it can also help you track your package real quick

Instead of doing the usual thing and going to the shipping company website

Just type your tracking number in a search query it will work with UPS

USPS and FedEx now you will always know where your packages you won't have to navigate any websites or wait for them to load

Finally it's time for our bonus trick you did some hard work learning to use Google like a pro

So now it's time to play if you search Atari breakout on Google Images the famous brick breaker will start right there

Enjoy it

We hope you enjoyed this video, and we'll try all these tricks out let us know how it went in the comments

Also, if this video gets 5,000 likes we are going to share more fun tricks

You can try out on your computer subscribe to our channel not to miss any updates and always stay on the bright side of life