How I Lost My Accent and Became Fluent in English [5 Tips] | American English
Hey it's Hadar and this is the Accent's Way.
Today I want to talk about the five
elements that helped me become
a confident and fluent speaker.
And I'm going to invite you to join
my challenge that is going to take
you out of your comfort zone and
and confident speaker as well.
When I moved to New York when I was 20
I had a fairly strong accent and my level
of English was let's say intermediate.
I could express myself and conduct basic conversations
I'm trying to detect the few elements that really helped me become a confident speaker
doing what I'm doing right now.
that is teaching American pronunciation, coaching English.
And I discovered five things, five things that were essential in helping me become
Now the first one was immersion.
I immerse myself in an English speaking environment.
I surrounded myself with English.
Now I know this may not be an option
This is why you need to join my challenge to discover how to do
that when you're not living in an English speaking country.
But for me that was the one thing
that really helped me own it eventually.
I surrounded myself mostly with English.
I watched television, I read books, I read the newspaper,
speak English, listen to English.
The second thing is methodology.
of what I'm doing today and actually
I learned it myself when I was an acting school
English language into sounds and melodies and elements of speech.
every single one of them separately
And you're so much more in control
when you put it all back together.
So for me it wasn't about what I
learned in school anymore or what I
It was clear and I had an answer
And I knew what my weaknesses and
The third thing was challenging myself.
Every situation that made me feel
uncomfortable, every situation
that I was intimidated by I jumped on it.
I took any speaking opportunity,
I mean at the end of my second year
I played Lady Macbeth in a Scottish accent.
So think about it two years before
I had a foreign accent and I was
self-conscious about my English
and there I was getting this offer
to play a role, a Shakespearean role in a Scottish accent.
I freaked out but you know what.
And I was actually really good at it.
So first I had my assignments from school.
So I would drill the words, repeat words
and phrases and sentences with the same sounds.
I would take my speech book and sit
and read it aloud and record myself
with a tape recorder and play it
and listen to it and play it again.
And repeat it again and again.
I'm lying cuz it wasn't every day
but I was supposed to do it every day.
and I felt the change and I felt the difference immediately.
And then I leveraged situations
So for example if I watch television
I used to hear people and I would
repeat them right after I would echo them.
I would read aloud whenever I could.
I would memorize texts and monologues
from movie scenes and television series.
in my head and I would practice
I loved it. I enjoyed it because
every time I did it I felt a little
And I felt that I'm actually making a change.
that you take they empower you.
And when you feel empowered you feel
capable and you feel that you can
And that's the one thing you need to remember
When you know that you can do it
If you feel that you can't do it and it's too difficult
then it's going to be really hard to get to that breakthrough.
The last thing is communication.
even if I didn't want to talk, even if I didn't feel comfortable talking
I talked with people, I talk to people.
I would take any speaking opportunity that I could.
I used to wait tables so I remember
talking about the specials was a thing for me.
Because it was an opportunity to practice
and I would make a big deal out of it in a friendly and fun way.
And I saw what worked and what didn't work.
What activated people, what helped people connect to me.
What motivated people to ask questions
and I took all this information and used it
again and again every time I communicated.
And when I moved back to Israel and I had less opportunities
I mean there's a certain amount of
tourists that come into the city a year.
Then that's when I started teaching
Teaching was also a game changer for me
because that's when I understood everything clearly.
Because to explain something in a clear way you have to be very clear about it
in your head and I think that's what made the difference for me.
And of course, speaking in English and teaching in English
helped me become the speaker that I am today.
that helped me become a confident
And these are the five elements that
that I prepared for you today.
In the challenge which was a free
challenge you'll have access to
LIVE video lessons you'll be able to
interact with me and ask me questions.
You'll receive a daily email with a PDF sheet
with instructions for the next day,
You'll receive tasks and assignments.
You'll make videos of yourselves and
you'll communicate with other people.
We will lay out all the conditions to help you succeed
towards becoming a fluent and confident speaker.
To join the challenge all you need to do is just click on the link below
and get instructions straight to your email with a link to our private Facebook group.
Look, those five days are going to pass anyway.
Question is what are you going to do in those five days
that we'll help you reach your goals.
Don't miss the opportunity and join us for the challenge.
Also, share this video with your friends If you don't want to do this challenge alone.
Thank you so much for watching
and I'll see you next week in the next video.