How To Speak on the Internet (Common Texting Abbreviations)


Hello friends, welcome back! How to speak on the Internet? Have you seen many

English speakers using text abbreviations which you simply don't

understand? In this video lesson we'll go through over 40 common text

abbreviations you may come across when having conversations online and to enable you to better

understand these abbreviations and also use them when speaking on the internet in English

Friends there are hundreds of text abbreviations you may come across when

speaking on the internet, for this lesson I've chosen 40 text abbreviations I

quite often use and many other English speakers use as well... now it's totally up

to you whether you choose to use, you don't choose to use these abbreviations

while speaking on the internet in English... but it is good to know the meanings of

these abbreviations as a person you are communicating with may use them.... let's

get straight to it and look at the first abbreviation ... The first abbreviation is

simply the number 2. Personally I use the number two quite often

while communicating online or sending a text message to describe TO ... so you know TO

and the number 2... they sound the same when we say them out loud and simply

quicker to write the number or text the number 2 to somebody... for example I'm

going 2 the shops.. the next common text abbreviation is also a number and that

number is 4... we use for to replace the number four.... for example if I were to ask

somebody online: what do you do for a living?

instead of writing for... I would simply use the number can also simply

use the letter Y to replace the word why... for example: Y are you

working today... again Y are you working today ... we also use the letter R to

replace the word ARE... for example R you there... instead of writing are

you can just simply use the letter R.... R you there?.... we also use the letter U

to replace the word YOU... for example: Are you there? We could simply write this....

R U there? R U there?... U R is also often used to replace the words: YOU ARE

or YOUR.... For example U R tall or UR books... now if you want to tell somebody

that something is happening tomorrow, or maybe you're meeting them tomorrow ...

you could use this abbreviation... simply 2morrow.... but if you're going to meet

somebody tonight, instead of writing the full word tonight.... again you could

replace the to with the number 2 and simply write 2night...

For example: meet me at the bus stop 2night... we also use the abbreviation B4

to replace the word BEFORE.... For example: I'll call you b4 I go out...

again... I'll call you b4 I go out... but maybe you're having a deep and

meaningful conversation with somebody online, but you need to do something

maybe you need to go to the shops, maybe you need go to the bathroom, you

need to put the laundry out... you want to tell them that you'll be back later....

In this situation you could use the abbreviation BBL.... this stands for

BE BACK LATER... usually when we use this abbreviation

you'll be away for some period of time... maybe it's an hour, maybe it's two hours...

but it is a longer period of time... now if you're only going away for a short

period of time you could use the abbreviation BRB... BRB stands for...

BE RIGHT BACK... so maybe you just need to get a glass of water, you need to hop off the

computer or you need to get off your phone.... then you could use the

abbreviation BRB ...maybe you're texting somebody and you're giving them a lot of

information maybe about an event that happened, maybe

something that happened at school.. at work... but you left out a piece of

important information.... instead of writing BY THE WAY... you could just simply use the

abbreviation the situation that you're texting a really good friend and

you want to tell them that they're your best friend...

instead of typing you're my best best friend you could use an abbreviation

best friend forever... BFF... if you are speaking to somebody

online and you just want to tell them bye... but you will see them later, you could use the

abbreviation CYA... CYA stands for see you later.... in the

situation that you're in a rush or that person that you are speaking to is in a rush

they may use the abbreviation G2G... G2G stands for gotta go, gotta go....

In the situation that you find something great... it's really fantastic.. it's great you could

use the abbreviation GR8 to express GREAT.... but in the situation that you hate

something... then you could use the abbreviation H8... this means HATE... if you're

talking to somebody and they're asking you questions you don't know the answer

to... you may use the abbreviation IDK... IDK stands for: I don't know...but

if you playing a joke or a prank on somebody online, instead of just saying

joke or typing the word joke... you could use the abbreviation JK ...JK stands for

joke or joking ...if you want to tell somebody that you'll meet them later

instead of writing the whole word LATER you could use the abbreviation L8TR...

now the next two are two abbreviations I'm sure many of you have come across

and they are LMAO and LOL.... now if you find that in a

situation somebody had said something to you that's really funny... it's hilarious

you could use the abbreviation LMAO which stands for laughing my ass off...

but if something's funny you'd laughed a little bit, you could use abbreviation

LOL: laughing out loud... but if you found something to be really really

funny it was hilarious and you simply can't stop laughing

you could use that abbreviation ROFL... this abbreviation stands for rolling on the

floor laughing... now in the situation that somebody is expressing that something

simply wasn't a problem for them to do... you may see that they may use the

abbreviation NP: this stands for no problem... but if you found something to be

really shocking... you were completely shocked by a fact, or maybe somebody's

been shocked by something you've told them online... they may use the

abbreviation OMG which stands for oh my gosh... if you want to be completely honest

with somebody online instead of saying: to be honest.... you could simply use the

abbreviation TBH... TBH stands for: to be honest... if somebody's giving you too much

information which you really didn't need for some unknown reason... instead of writing: too

much information you could use the abbreviation TMI ...TMI stands for too much information

.... Now maybe you've been speaking to somebody for a while and

they need a go.... so they are saying bye... but instead of saying BYE or CYA... they may use the

abbreviation TTYL....TTYL stands for talk to you later...

talk to you later... now it's also very common for some people to end

conversations with XOXO =kisses and hugs... X stands for kisses and O stands for hugs

The O being hugs and the X being kisses... There you have it friends, I hope these texting

abbreviations help you to speak better on the internet and to have more

meaningful conversations with people, be that online or texting... so what was your

favorite abbreviation? Tell me in the comments below this video : what's your

favorite abbreviation to use when you're speaking on the Internet?

share it with us in the comments below this video... Remember friends if you like

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Thanks for watching, thanks for being here and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson :) Bye for now